Field Compost Ltd - We'll help your garden grow

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December Gardening: Tips and What to Plant

Want to know what jobs you need to do in your garden this December, or what fruit, veg, or flowers to plant? Look no further; we have created this clear and concise list of ideas to help you organise your garden this month!

December in the UK is renowned for being cold and wet – its not the most desirable time to be outside in the garden I admit. But, there is still much to do, to help your plants and equipment survive until the spring, and give you a head start on some beautiful flower beds or fruitful harvests.

December is also the home of World Soil day on the 5th- a campaign aimed to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources. Click here to learn more about why healthy soil is important to us and life on Earth.


General Garden Jobs:

  • Put out fresh water for birds every day during frosty weather.
  • Clear out your shed; organise and clean tools.
  • Add lights and power points to sheds and outhouses. This is to enable you to garden on wet days and in the evenings (if you really want to aha).


  • Check that your greenhouse heaters are functioning properly. Do this by accurately monitoring the temperature with a maximum-minimum thermometer.
  • Pick up any faded leaves and dead flowers regularly from the plants overwintering in your greenhouse, and clear leaves and twigs from the greenhouse and shed gutters.
  • Ensure there is adequate ventilation in your greenhouse or conservatory; consider opening any vents for an hour or two on milder days to encourage air circulation.


  • Rake up any remaining fallen leaves on the lawn, this is to ensure that they do not smother the grass and block out any sunlight or moisture. Rotary lawnmowers are great for picking up leaves; start with the mower on a higher setting to simultaneously collect and mulch the leaves. Then, lower the height to give your garden a final trim (if needed).
  • Look out for waterlogging on your lawn after winter rain. To improve drainage, spike the lawn with an aerator or a garden fork, and brush in a mix of sand and loam into holes. Field No.5 High Quality Fine Grade Topsoil is a finely graded blend of sandy loam topsoil and composted organic material, so is perfect for this if your lawn has not already been aerated during the autumn maintenance programme.

Trees and Shrubs:

  • As cold winds and frost can loosen and lift roots, you should protect newly planted trees, hedges, and shrubs by mulching using our Field No.1 Organic Soil Improver. Protect branches too by covering them with fleece.
  • Check tree ties and stakes are firm enough to stand against harsh winds and winter storms; replace, tighten, or remove as necessary.
  • The pruning and renovation of many deciduous trees, shrubs, and hedges can be carried out throughout this dormant season. Winter is the perfect time for pruning as it is easier to see what you are doing now that branches have no leaves.





  • Finish the autumn tidy up of beds and borders; rake up any accumulated fallen leaves that could be harbouring slugs and other pests. It is especially important to clear leaves and debris from alpines which will die off if covered in damp for any length of time.
  • Improve the drainage of heavy clay soils by working in plenty of bulky organic matter such as our Field No.1 Organic Soil Improver; spread 75-100mm of the product on the surface now, and let the worms dig this valuable source of organic matter into the soil for you.
  • Order seed catalogues now to select next year’s bedding and perennial choices.

To Plant:


Fruit and veg:


  • Prune large fruit trees, e.g., apples and pears (but not those trained against walls). This is to control the shape and size and to increase productivity.
  • Tidy up raspberry and blackberry beds by weeding and mulching using the Field No.24 Ericaceous Soil Improver. This is great for mulching soft fruit as it will not increase the soil PH.
  • Keep Kale, Winter Cabbages and other brassicas covered with netting to protect them from hungry pigeons.

To Plant: